She is everything. She is nothing. Depends on how Devi wants to be revealed to you.

She is the cosmos. She is the power we see holding the clouds. She is the power behind the rain that is pouring as I write. She is the power in the grass that grows in the gardens. She is the energy that moves each one of us.

The Empress of the Universe casts a veil on us. For most, the veil is strong enough to not feel Her.

For a few, She makes the veil porous that glimpses of Her are felt leaving the seeker confused and amused.

"Where is my ground?" I am neither here with everyone, nor there with Her! : )

For a rare few, She removes the veil completely and embraces them as Her child, and places them in Her loving, eternal lap.

She is the power behind the loud music that I feel in the café I am writing this in.
She is also very live and active in the form of voices of clients in this café – as they discuss their daily affairs with their friends & family.

She is Satvik – pure in the raindrops outside my window, Rajasic – found in the active manager doing his duty Tamasic – found in the onions in my sandwiches.

She is purity & beauty. She is also the anger, jealousy and vengeance in all!

She is soft & She is very fierce.

The wonder is that She is our Mother!
This thought brings us into a space of safety with life, a sense of belongingness on this planet & feel worthy as we are born out of Her divine intelligence and have come here for some purpose.

We can surrender to Her intelligence without a thought, lie in Her soothing lap always, and let go of all our worries.

If the pain arises, we understand that it has touched us only after Her approval and is legitimate pain – meant for our wellness only.

We need to feel it humbly, which does not mean that we don’t take necessary action.
In fact, it’s the Shakti in us that propels necessary action.

But if the pain persists, in spite of our efforts – we intrinsically know – It’s The Mother and we need to respect Her decision, which is always for our good, whether we understand that fully right now or not.

The laws of life are very fair and She bends them too in our special favour, many a times. The small sigh – “Maa” from a troubled heart – has the huge power to turn around negative karma and call upon Her kind grace!

The all-powerful hand that rocks the cradle of this universe – definitely knows how to take care of Her children, and much better than we think we do!

Jai Maa Kali!

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5 months ago

nice hai

Simta Manchanda
Simta Manchanda
5 months ago

Excellent blog ! 👌👌👍👍May Mata Rani bless you alwayzzzzzzzz 🙏🙏